TwinCo 3000 manifold station: SBK Siegfried Böhnisch Kunststofftechnik GmbH

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TwinCo 3000 manifold station

The economic solution for a combined floor/radiator heating system with high-efficiency pump (HEP).
The required heat quantity is supplied to the floor circulation from the radiator circulation by a control valve which is controlled by the electronic digital control. Standard version as fix value controller. By an additional outside sensor (controlled by outside temperature) or an additional supply sensor, the supply temperature of the heat generator can be used as command variable.

Heating manifold consists of well insulating, fibreglass reinforced and temperature-resistant plastic single modules in space-saving construction.
Supply module with integrated, manual adjustable valve; change-over to actuator possible.
Return module with integrated, adjustable and shut-off flowmeter.
Service connection with 1 ½" external thread and 1" internal thread. Circuit with ¾" external thread euro-cone. 
Complete with manual air vent, fill and drain valve, plug, ball valve and adjustable bypass.
The installation height of the manifold station is 116 mm or 200 mm, depending on the orientation of the high-efficiency pump. 

We recommend the additional installation of a hydraulic switch to avoid hydraulic problems.

TwinCo 3000 prospectus

Product overview

Operating guide TwinCo 3000

Order form spare parts TwinCo 3000

TwinCo 3000 installation kit

Installation kit consists of electronic control, HEP-pump with connections, control valve with actuator, throttle valve, non-return flap, sensor and safety temperature limiter. Completely electrical wired.

The control unit ensures exact temperature detection and precise control of the heating surfaces. Easy adjustment and start-up with only three knobs.

Different control variants with the same control possible:

  • Standard version is constant supply temperature
  • Controlled by outside temperature with additional outside sensor possible
  • Controlled by boiler temperature with additional supply sensor + bypass possible

When operating with outside sensor, the pump is switched off automatically as soon as the outside temperature is higher than the desired room temperature.